Strategy Objective
2018 - 2023
The investment objective of the Master Fund is to give wide ranging access to top tier fund managers and various strategies to give outweighed market returns whilst reducing concentration risk and market instability.
The Master Fund is a fund focusing on multiple managers containing a portfolio of foreign currency, equities and fixed income trading strategies utilising a portfolio of sub-advisers and separate third-party funds. The strategy is designed to generate absolute returns in all market conditions by providing notional allocations. The primary objective is to preserve capital and achieve risk-adjusted returns. This allows the fund to create a diversified portfolio that generate consistent returns, while achieving a favourable risk/reward dynamic for investors.
The core investment strategy objective is to achieve a total return greater than the average return of the assets followed within the strategy over the medium term (3 years).
An Index has been created between major currencies to capture price fluctuations along with pricing for main global equities markets to give an absolute return benchmark.
Performance is based on outperforming all major benchmarks globally within these markets. Taking into consideration global economic impact within financial terrain.
Equities portfolio is built with collateral being awarded to allow for concurrent strategies to be established.
Take your investment portfolio to the next level with Aequum. We are an investment fund that provides customized investment solutions that are tailored to meet our clients’ needs. Our portfolios are designed to achieve high performance while minimizing risk, which is why our clients trust us to manage their investments. With our team of experienced investment professionals, we will help you navigate the complexities of the financial markets and develop an investment strategy that is right for you. Trust us to help you achieve your long-term financial goals.
Account Type
Risk Profile
Account min
Asset Class
Historic Yield
Fund Size
Low – Medium
Equity Derivatives FX
Fundamental & Technical
11.45% p.a.
(non-cumulative – net)
2% Mgmt. Fee
20% perf. Fee
Contact for more information

Absolute Profit

Absolute Growth
Currency hedging will be made available to allow for greater gain on absolute return, this can be achieved by changing the denominated currency of the strategy to create greater long-term upside (currently sterling).
The strategy will endeavour to reduce risk by avoiding overnight and weekend risk, as and where applicable trades will be closed daily (EPT only) to reduce general market risk given the nature of the assets and factors that may change trading environments.
Reliance on both fundamental and technical analysis is key to understanding both sentiment and strategy as we aim to take advantage of market gravitational pull. Up to 85% of assets to be invested into high income low beta equities (EILB) and held as collateral for EPT strategy. Up to 35% of the assets may be invested in the currency sector, however, it is key for functionality that the funds are not tied up in margin and that they are released at the close of trading for every session.
(This may not always be possible, due to market sentiment, pricing, existing trades). A limited amount of the Fund’s assets may be invested in other assets not mentioned above, market prevailing.
The strategy may also invest its portfolio in derivatives (investments that derive their value from another closely related underlying investment) for the purposes of efficient portfolio management (EPM).